Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao and Overseas Council

The Luzon/ Visayas/ Mindanao and Overseas Council shall be composed of:

The Grand Chancellor shall:

  • Act as the Luzon/Visayas/Mindanao or Overseas Council Chief Executive Officer;
  • Call and preside over the Council’s assembly/ meetings;
  • See that the officers of the council discharge their duties impartially, accurately, faithfully, and promptly;
  • Enforce observance of the fraternity’s By-laws; Policies and Procedures;
  • Appoint officer/s, committees as needed in the council;
  • Sign all communications for the regulatory of the council duties and functions;
  • Make representation, issue directives and statements in his/ her jurisdictional areas in behalf of the fraternity;
  • Promote participation in any service project and programs;
  • Ensure proper coordination and render reports and updates to the Executive council regularly or as needed;
  • Perform such other duties as necessary for the good interests of the organization, or as may be assigned by the Over-All Council.

The Vice Grand Chancellor shall:

  • Assist the Grand Chancellor and temporarily assume the Grand Chancellor’s duties in his/her absence or incapacity;
  • Perform such other duties as necessary for the good interests of the organization, or as may be assigned by the Over-All.

The Grand Secretary shall:

  • Maintain and update membership records under his/her jurisdictional areas;
  • Maintain all official documents of the fraternity;
  • Maintain minutes/ records of meetings;
  • Oversee the functions of the Admin/ I.T and Election Departments. Such personnel are the deputies of the Secretary supporting the secretariat services of the council;
  • Perform such other duties as necessary for the good interests of the organization, or as may be assigned by the Grand Chancellor.

The Grand Treasurer shall:

  • Plan the budget of the fraternity for regional level;
  • Be in-charge in the management of funds and resources of the council;
  • Maintain financial reports open at all reasonable times for inspection and examination by the Executive Council;
  • Oversee the functions of the Finance Departments. Such personnel are the deputies of the Treasurer supporting the finance services of the council;
  • Perform such other duties as necessary for the good interests of the organization, or as may be assigned by the Grand Chancellor.

The Grand Auditor shall:

  • Check and audit all financial/ resources of the fraternity for regional level;
  • Form auditing team to investigate any reported financial anomalies; subject to the approval of the Grand Chancellor;
  • Perform such other duties as necessary for the good interests of the organization, or as may be assigned by the Grand Chancellor.

The Grand Business Manager shall:

  • Coordinate/ manage and determine projects/ activities of the fraternity in the council;
  • Perform such other duties as necessary for the good interests of the organization, or as may be assigned by the Grand Chancellor.

The Grand Disciplinarian shall:

  • Oversee the discipline/ behavior of all members under the council;
  • Recommend appropriate actions/ punishment that may be imposed for any violation/ misconduct of membersunder the council;
  • Perform such other duties as necessary for the good interests of the organization, or as may be assigned by the Grand Chancellor.