School Chapter or Community Chapter shall be composed of:
The School/Community Grand Tyro shall:
- Act as the School Chapter or Community Chapter Chief Executive Officer;
- Call and preside over school/ community chapter meetings;
- Oversee that the officers of the chapter discharge their duties impartially, accurately, faithfully, and promptly;
- Enforce observance of the fraternity’s By-laws, Policies and Procedures;
- Oversee the development and implementation of the chapter’s professional program;
- Strengthen the chapter and recruiting of new members;
- Ensure quality reputation for the chapter;
- Promote LEAD in humanitarian assistance, development and implementation of community service program for the chapter;
- Ensure observance of the fraternity’s By-laws; Policies and Procedures; any violations shall be reported to the City Council or Municipal Council for appropriate action.
- Make representation, issue directives and statements in his/ her jurisdictional areas in behalf of the fraternity;
- Oversee the proper conduct of services orientation to newly applicant(s). Facilitate the proper voting of the chapter members to the newly applicant(s) during the election of pledges for acceptance;
- Perform such other duties as necessary for the good interests of the organization, or as may be assigned by the City/ Municipal Council.
The Master Initiator shall:
- Assist the Grand Tyro (G.T.) and temporarily assume the Grand Tyro’s duties in his/her absence or incapacity;
- Properly manage and maintain the chapter documents.
- Monitor the chapter’s recruiting activities and of the pledging ceremony;
- Serve as Ritual Chair, unless the Grand Tyro agree to delegate this duty to another brother;
- Oversee the proper conduct of services orientation to newly applicant(s). Facilitate the proper voting of the chapter members to the newly applicant(s) during the election of pledges for acceptance;
- Oversee the functions of the Finance Departments. Such personnel are the deputies of the Master Initiator (M.I.) supporting the finance services of the chapter;
- To perform such other duties as necessary for the good interests of the organization, or as may be assigned by the City/ Municipal Council or the School/ Community Grand Tyro (G.T).
Master Keeper:
- Assist the Master Initiator and temporarily assume the Master Initiator’s duties in his/her absence or incapacity;
- Properly manage and maintain the chapter’s records in coordination with the Master Initiator;
- Monitor the chapter’s recruiting activities and of the pledging ceremony in coordination with the Master Initiator;
- Maintain and secure the chapter’s pennant.
- Oversee the functions of the Finance Departments. Such personnel are the deputies of the Master Keeper supporting the finance services of the chapter;
- To perform such other duties as necessary for the good interests of the organization, or as may be assigned by the City/ Municipal Council or the City/ Municipal Grand Tyro (G.T).
Disciplinarian shall:
- Oversee the discipline/ behavior of the chapter members;
- Recommend appropriate actions/ punishment that may be imposed for any violation/ misconduct of members;
- To perform such other duties as necessary for the good interests of the organization, and as may be assigned by the City/ Municipal Council or the City/ Municipal Grand Tyro (G.T).
The functions of the Support Department shall be;
- Admin/I.T./Election Department is in-charge in the Administrative Matters (Organization Documents)/ Information Technology Outputs and Election matters of the organization.
- Legal Division is in-charge on the legal matters of the organization.
- Sigma Division is in-charge in the SIGMAs activity as approved by the council’s head. Maintain and update records of all SIGMA members.
- Finance Division is in-charge in the collection of dues and other financial concerns of the organization in coordination and approval of the Councils Officers.